Emergency aid for crisis shelter

At 2bfree, we are committed to supporting people in their road to recovery and a better future. We recently welcomed a young woman to our shelter who is in dire need of help on all fronts. Her story is gripping and we are looking for sponsors to help give her a new beginning.

"A new beginning, that's what I've been dreaming of for a long time."

The Need This young woman is at the beginning of a difficult journey to recovery. She urgently needs psychosocial support to process her traumas and heal emotionally. She also needs economic help to build a sense of stability and self-worth. We want to make sure she feels at home and has the opportunity to build her life. How you can help. Primarily, we urgently need basic materials and support for this young woman. Your donations can make a huge difference. Here are some ways you can contribute: Hygiene products: By donating, you can help provide hygienic products, which is essential for her daily well-being and health. Clothing and essential items: Donating clothing and essential items such as bedding, kitchen utensils and household supplies can help her rebuild her new life Psychosocial Support: Your contribution will also be used for professional psychosocial counseling to help her process her traumas and restore her mental health. Support us: We hope you will consider joining us in thinking, praying and giving for this young woman, about whom we would like to share more later. Your generous support will make a difference in her life and allow her to begin a new chapter.

Care about these women

What do you see when you look at these women? Of course you see the brokenness, the misery and all that comes with it. Fortunately, we often see hope sparkling in their eyes. We are grateful for what we can do for them with 2bfree. We can’t do that without you. Your gift allows us to be there together for these women. Thank you very much!

andere projects