2bfree helps women exploited by human traffickers
2bfree is there for women and girls who managed to escape from slavery. We help these often vulnerable women (re)discover their worth. So that they can eventually rebuild a new life. Independent and free.
A friend invited me...
Hear from Helena herself about how she was in the Netherlands in the forced ended up in prostitution. And how zhe thanks to her courage also came out of it.

"I now want to help as many women as possible myself."
When Ilayla* (26) joined 2bfree, she was depressed after everything she had been through. She had even made several suicide attempts. Now she herself is an employee at 2bfree and helps others with a story just like hers. “Many women go through what I went through . That’s why I want to help them now.”
Human trafficking in the Netherlands?
Human trafficking and slavery are still widespread. In 2022, 814 new victims were reported to the national hotline. This figure shows the tip of the iceberg because many of the victims are unable to report.
what we do
Where necessary, we provide emergency assistance to women. That means immediate intervention when a woman knocks on our door and needs help. For distressing situations, we offer specialized care. For legal help, we work closely with attorneys.
2bfree provides a safe shelter for women in need. Survivors of human trafficking stay in shelters sometimes for a short time, sometimes for a long time. From there, we set out with them to get back on their feet and strengthen who they (want to) be.
Survivors of human trafficking have been through a lot. In addition to shelter, we offer social support and psychosocial assistance. To provide optimal help, we work closely with mental health services, psychologists, doctors and other organizations.
To empower women, we offer training and micro-credit. This makes women less vulnerable to exploitation. In addition, 2bfree provides education so that together we can better identify and help.
project in the spotlight
High teas & beauty afternoons
Many women and girls who have been victims of human trafficking come to one of 2bfree’s low-threshold activities through word of mouth. These can be high teas or beauty afternoons, which we offer free of charge. Once they know us, the step to us to ask for help is a lot smaller. In this way, we have already been able to help many women (re)discover their strengths and qualities and build their future.

How you can help?
become a volunteer
Volunteers are indispensable to 2bfree. Do you feel compassion for these survivors? Do you want to be meaningful to these women and girls in need? Become a volunteer at 2bfree. Anyone who wants to stand alongside survivors in an equal way is incredibly welcome. On all fronts, we could use help!
become a partner
Are you still looking for a foundation for your church, organization or business that fits your values and standards? Like us, do you want to empower survivors of human trafficking! 2bfree has several forms of partnership. This may be in the form of sponsorship or service, but other forms are also possible.
pray with me
Would you like to participate in our work by joining us in praying for these women and girls? The starting point for our care and assistance is the Love of God in action, with respect and space for each person's personal opinion and beliefs.
"Thanks to 2bfree, I have the perspective of a better life again."
*not her real name because of her safety.